K-12 Case Studies

Video by Carol Ober, Media Lab Director, Newton South High School

Newton South High School

Ms. Carol Ober, Media Lab Director at Newton South High School, fully integrated our methodology into her classes. We also consulted to a multi disciplinary teaching team to develop curriculum for the Da Vinci STEAM initiative at Newton South.

Ms. Ober made this video case study to show how her Computer Animation Class used Energy Necklace Sculptures (our flagship exercise) as a class project. She also shows how she co-taught our ENEP hands-on exercise with Matt Briggs in his Alternative Energies Class.

“Students were unanimous in saying that the project had been meaningful in a way they had not before experienced in school.”

–Carol Ober, Media Lab, Newton South High School

Broward County Schools and Museum of Discovery & Science

The School Board of Broward County and the Broward County Environmental Planning & Community Resilience Division held a climate change youth summit in January 2020 with over 800 Broward County public school students at the Museum of Discovery and Science (MODS) in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. The theme of the summit was Sea Level Rise.

We installed Rising Waters and led workshops to train students how to do their own Rising Waters installations. In November 2021, 16 installations went up at the schools and students participated in a #Do-1-Thing action pledge.


“Rising Waters is truly a perfect first lesson to help students understand Sea Level Rise and its future impacts.”

-Lisa V. Milenkovic, Ph.D., Supervisor, STEM+Computer Science, Broward County Public Schools, Applied Learning Department


Rising Waters in Hong Kong

We brought Rising Waters to three schools in Hong Kong. Renaissance College high school students Jane Chan and Taylor Chung installed Rising Waters in their school courtyard and shared information about climate change at their school. Both students have continued on to environmental advocacy as their career path.

60 middle school students developed ideas for companion art projects for their Rising Waters installation.

At Hong Kong International School, high school students ideated installations that included immersive experiences and individual design projects.